Over the last 9 months, a lot has happened in my life; I have a nice titanium plate in my shoulder now courtesy of a major car accident. I changed roles at Novosco ↗ from Infrastructure Engineer to Cloud Technologist - focusing more on R&D and emerging platforms, and I helped out Frank Denneman ↗ and Niels Hagoort ↗ in editing their best-selling vSphere 6.5 Host Deep Dive book ↗.
Through the course of the time off I had as a result of now being part-Iron Man, it gave me a lot of time to think about what’s important to me and what I enjoy, as I’m sure most people do every few years. Though my role at Novosco had evolved and I had learned a great deal and met some awesome people, I felt I needed a new challenge, something to keep me engaged and learning.
After a few years in the customer space, then 3 years with Novosco - a VAR, ISV, and MSP, I am making the move to a vendor. This seemed somewhat inevitable to me as the only place to go when you want to keep learning is to the people at the forefront of creating what it is you are consistently learning about. Being able to shape future iterations of products that many organisations use is an exhilarating prospect.
And with that - I’m proud to say I’m joining some of the industry greats; Jase McCarty ↗, John Nicholson ↗, Pete Flecha ↗, Jeff Hunter ↗, Pete Koehler ↗ and of course their wrangler, Ken Werneberg ↗. In the place that forged the giants of Cormac Hogan ↗, Duncan Epping ↗, Frank Denneman ↗ and Rawlinson Rivera ↗.
Hello, VMware, SABU and my new role as Senior Technical Marketing Architect!
Why not follow @mylesagray on Twitter ↗ for more like this!