Configuring Auto Deploy Stateless Caching in vSphere 6.0

Following on from my previous post on configuring custom ESXi images for PXE deployment, it piqued my interest again in Auto Deploy, now that I have a lab large enough (enough physical failure domains) to justify auto-deploy I figured iā€™d give it another go. I have chosen to implement stateless caching as it will allow the hosts to boot from the last used ESXi image they had if the PxE/AutoDeploy server goes down - then when it comes back up will pull the new version, this accounts for a total infrastructure outage and still allows the hosts to be bootable....

August 19, 2016 Myles Gray

Configure vRealize Orchestrator 6.0.3 with vCenter 6.0 U1

Spent longer than necessary messing with vRealize Orchestrator and trying to get it to display the plugin in vCenter server appliance 6.0 U1, you can review my trials and tribulations here: ā†— I have been trying to deploy vRealize Orchestrator 6.0.3 with my VCSA 6.0 U1 instance (supported according to compatibility matrix), the symptoms are almost exactly the same as this post: Re: Installing vRO v6.01 but not showing in web client ā†—...

October 29, 2015 Myles Gray